
Superstition, Dior’s key to success

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Do you believe in signs and premonitions? Christian Dior certainly did, and if that is what is behind more than 70 years of collections and fashion shows, we should all be a little bit more superstitious. In an evening of April 1946, Christian Dior is working at Lucien Lelong and something does not sit right […]


#LBSSfinance: Sotheby’s

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Founded in 1744 in London by the pioneering Samuel Baker, Sotheby’s is, without any doubt, the most outstanding auction house in the world. Along with being one of the most important fine art brokers in the world, Sotheby’s is also known for its focus on the luxury world, from watches and jewelry to wine and […]


#LBSSphiloxenia: why study hospitality

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Why study hospitality? That’s one of the many questions I’ve gotten. For me, it was a clear choice. I like people and I didn’t want to be stuck in an office space typing, calculating and communicating with people over a phone. I wanted to make people happy, as hospitality workers are, by nature, people pleasers, […]


Ukrainian fashion brands

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Our thoughts are with all Ukrainian people suffering from the recent Russian military attacks, and concrete support to Ukraine is needed now more than ever. Beyond sharing information, donating and participating in peace demonstrations, choosing made-in-Ukraine designs is a great way to give voice back to a threatened nation. Known for taking inspiration from their […]


#LBSSphiloxenia: the act of personalization

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What makes a hotel luxurious?   Picture this. You are walking in a marble lobby of a five star hotel, where you can clearly see yourself in the reflection of the perfectly polished floors, and hear your steps echo across the grandiose hall. You are greeted by gentlemen wearing timeless uniforms, gorgeous flowers adorn the […]


#LBSSguestwriters: War influence over fashion

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“War is an act of force to compel our enemy do our will”, this is how the famous Clausewitz defines war. It is the continuation of the policy with other means, as he later supplemented. It is an act which is distinguished from violence, in which the rules and authorities are elected and replaced by […]


Jewellery at the Oscars

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The nominations for the 2022 ceremony of the Oscars have recently been announced and while everyone is betting on who might win, we cannot wait to see the precious jewels that will be worn by the protagonists of this year’s red carpet! In the meantime, we might as well have a look at what celebrities […]


Bugatti-Rimac Joint Venture

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On November 2nd, 2021 an announcement was made that surprised everyone in the automotive world. Legendary, revered century-old luxury carmaker Bugatti, which has created some of the most iconic cars the world has seen, will in the future join forces with the only decade-old electric Croatian manufacturer Rimac Automobili. The new joint venture, called Bugatti […]