
Jewellery at the Oscars

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The nominations for the 2022 ceremony of the Oscars have recently been announced and while everyone is betting on who might win, we cannot wait to see the precious jewels that will be worn by the protagonists of this year’s red carpet! In the meantime, we might as well have a look at what celebrities […]


Bugatti-Rimac Joint Venture

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On November 2nd, 2021 an announcement was made that surprised everyone in the automotive world. Legendary, revered century-old luxury carmaker Bugatti, which has created some of the most iconic cars the world has seen, will in the future join forces with the only decade-old electric Croatian manufacturer Rimac Automobili. The new joint venture, called Bugatti […]


How did the fashion industry react to the Ukrainian war?

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As the invasion of Ukraine unfolded at the start of the Milan Fashion week, the intricate link between the fashion industry and the political news grew increasingly stronger while the Fashion crowds migrated to Paris for the next week of défilés. Several Creators decided to express their support to the Ukrainian people amid the dominant […]


Stories from the Ukrainian Border: It is an European issue

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I was waiting on the Polish-Ukrainian border to pick up refugees and transport them to Warsaw. From there they would be able to reach their families or find a place to stay. I had expected to find myself in the midst of chaos and disaster, yet everything seemed to be under control of local authorities […]


Next in Fashion: Luxury brands in the Metaverse

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Virtual fashion might sound like science fiction, but it has become an impending reality. As more and more of our lives are spent living in digital spaces on the Internet, the boundaries between what’s called real and what’s not are blurring. For fashion and beauty brands, the race to the metaverse has begun. You might […]


Defining Luxury

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Ask anyone “What defines luxury hospitality?” and you’ll inevitably find that everyone’s a connoisseur. You’ll receive a myriad of answers suggesting luxury spas, restaurants, lounges, and private hideaways; you’ll be pointed to boutiques, palaces, or some dazzling modern alcazar; the location will be a private archipelago, a shimmering oasis, or in the clouds half a […]


#LBSSguestwriters: Laws on copycats for designer brands

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Have you ever window shopped in fast-fashion stores thinking that some of their pieces look very similar to some famous luxury brand pieces? Well, it is called copycatting and it is here to stay. Let me be clear about this: copycats are not counterfeits. Copycats, unlike counterfeits, do not imitate the original piece with intent […]


The EV Market

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“A few years ago you could barely see an electric car at the Frankfurt Auto Show. If you walked around talking about EVs, everybody assumed you were smoking something”, said Shai Agassi, environmental entrepreneur. In the past decade the global electric vehicle market has taken a huge leap forward and is growing faster than you […]


The America’s Cup

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You may think that the oldest sport competition is the modern Olympic games, which took place in Athens in 1896 for the first time. Actually, there is an older, and therefore oldest, trophy in international sports: the America’s cup. The America’s cup is the most prestigious sailing race, involving the highest technology and innovations in […]